Thursday, August 21, 2008

Tangs Uols..........

When i came to the office this morning, there was an email from one of my closest friends and the most poetic one, Zin. It was very sweet of him to write a short poem for me, as a gift nak berhijrah ke KL ni. Haiyo.... terharu sangat. So, I decided to post it in my blog.

To Zin, thank you very much for the poem and warm wishes. I am going to miss you and your little goodie bags you always carry around. Tak dak la lagi orang nak mai rumah cheq, bawak bag sampai 10 dan kemas barang2 dan masuk balik ke dalam bag2 tu. Hehehe.... that was fun watching you mengemas barang sendiri kat rumah orang. And to all of my friends, especially Gossip Gang in our daily email chain, thank you for standing by me in good and bad times. Appreciate your supports and advice, even though sometimes I do not follow what you guys advise me to do. Thank you for the wishes. It's not a goodbye, we'll see each other again.

Zin (hehehe......... *matila)


wajah wajah kamu
ukir senyum di wajahku
semua teristimewa
terima tulus kasih
tak terucap
sapa aku di jalanan
andai langit kita bertemu
bekalkan aku rindu
Buat ikat persahabatan.

by : Zin


nazzman ibrahim said...

mat zin ka yang tulis sajak ni????kalau mat zin yang nazz kenal tu kirim salam dia naaaaa...

sejak bila uols call me nazz??? ops larikkkkkkkkk

TEDDY said...

insyaAllah... akan disampaikan.

tu la pasal. Always tau nak menyamar. Tapi lebih baik panggil Nazz daripada gelaran Mxx Hxxxx Gurun kan? *larik jugakkkk.............